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About Us

We are located in Murray Library on Messiah College's Mechanicsburg campus and have numerous hours for your convenience.


It is our goal and purpose to help you make your paper the best it can be!  

What is the Writing Center?


We are a group of students dedicated to helping other students achieve optimal results in the art of writing papers.


Papers in all stages of the writing process are welcome: brainstorming, thesis, first draft, final draft, etc.  We are here to help you however we can, whether that means sitting down with you to help you brainstorm, working out grammatical errors, or anything in between.


A Common Misconception


We are not here to simply edit your papers and hand them back.  Our purpose is to help teach our fellow students how to fix the paper themselves so that they can improve on their writing skills and be able to reapply what they learned on future papers.


Unlike the common conception of being strictly a grammatical facility, we prefer to help students with “higher order concerns” such as thesis, introduction, conclusion, clarity, unity, paragraph development, supporting details, etc.  The grammatical concerns are--granted--something to be aware of, but they often prove less crucial than the overall flow and argument of the paper.

How to Find Us...


Located in Hoffman once upon a very (happily) distant time, the Writing Center has now moved to Murray Library.

Our Spring 2015 Hours:


Monday and Wednesday

11:30 am-12:30 pm

2:00 pm-9:00 pm

Closed Mondays from 5:00 pm-6:00 pm for staff meeting


Tuesday and Thursday:

11:00 am-1:00 pm

2:00 pm-9:00 pm


As the phrase goes:


"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."

The Writing Center

Messiah College's

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