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Ali Mosley

Head Tutor



Ali is a six-foot tall, auburn-headed, senior Biology major (organismal concentration) with a minor in Creative Writing and a penchant for high-heeled shoes. She lives in southern Maryland, not two minutes away from the Chesapeake Bay coast and can consequently pick a Maryland Blue Crab clean in under two minutes. She recently drew up a design for a set of fully functional (though not aerodynamic), mechanical dragon wings, and she plans to start construction immediately. She loves Halloween, classic cars, her horse, and the smell of pine trees. Combined with Gretchen Rockwell, the two of them almost possess a whole brain.

Dallas Saylor




Dallas Saylor. Junior, English/Math major. Poet, Romantic, minimalist. "Do not think this ends here... the history of light and shadow will be written in blood!"


Johannah Williams




Johannah is a junior nursing major hailing from the historic town of Gettysburg. She spends her free time reading, being in nature, listening to the music of U2 and Genesis, and enjoying the company of good friends.

Janine Coelho

Newsletter Editor/Tutor



Janine is a senior English Creative Writing Major, with a minor in Sustainability. Finding her way to the Writing Center from Long Island, New York, she enjoys the peace and quiet of Pennsylvania and working alongside the other tutors. Janine recently returned from a semester abroad in New Zealand where she lived out the joys of her fantasy addiction and while exercising her hobbies such as writing, reading, swimming, exploring nature, and taking pictures. She also loves singing whenever she can, and spending time with friends and family. Her dream is to work with her writing, publishing novels and raising global awareness. Janine is always willing to have prolonged conversation on anything fantasy and syfy related while spending time outside, taking in the fresh air.

Tanner Myers




Tanner is a senior English Lit. major from York, Pennsylvania. He loves snowboarding, playing guitar, and traveling. He has visited seven different countries and he studied abroad in England during his junior year. 


Emily Carroll




Emily is a senior psychology major with a minor in human resource management.  She is quite the procrastinator (pressure makes diamonds, anyone?) and is convinced that the last minute is the best time to get anything done.  Emily is a maven at a number of tasks that require minimal talent, such as baking from boxes, creating awe-inspiring Pinterest boards, and making awesome playlists for long drives.  She is overtly passionate about Disney princesses and napping.  Her dream job is to be one of those people who clean off baby animals after oil spills using Dawn soap, like in the commercials.


Bethany Seiter

Events and Hospitality/Tutor



Bethany is a junior double major in dance and public relations who studied abroad in Cheltenham, England during the fall of 2014. She has loved reading from the moment she learned and is always eager to see what adventures await in the pages of a book. In high school, Bethany dabbled in writing novels and poetry. Eventually, her love of dance won out and she now pursues performing as her primary career. However, she loves working in the writing center and inspiring others with the infectious spark for writing.

Anthony Bogetti




Anthony Bogetti is a sophomore biochemistry major who enjoys what he does and what he wants to do (become a doctor).  However, Anthony has a passion for reading and literature, especially modernist literature and twentieth-century American literature, and also has a passion for writing and helping others with writing.  On weekends back in his home state of Delaware, Anthony enjoys having lunch at Wawa, hanging out with friends at Walmart and walking along Saint Augustine’s Beach looking at the nuclear reactors across the bay.

Mary Finch




As a senior English major, Mary likes to think that she possesses a level of originality but truth be told she her coffee, literature, and quirky (read: cheap) fashion preferences fall much where you would expect. Her one mildly unique aspect is a love of William Shakespeare bordering on obsession. She even devotes time that should go towards homework, sleep, and maybe a social life to writing for the online publication, Shakespeare Magazine (

Gretchen Rockwell

Associate Head Tutor



Gretchen Rockwell is a senior with a major in English, a minor in History, and an unofficial concentration in Indian studies. She loves science fiction, singing, and Shakespeare; she drinks too much tea, and, if you combined her brain with Ali Mosley's, you'd almost have a whole one between the two of them.

Devin Dietrich




Devin Dietrich is a double major in Journalism and Film & Media studies. He enjoys making films, editing videos, and studying how media is shaping the world in new and exciting ways. His hobbies include video games, singing opera, and making side comments whenever possible. Devin feels that being a tutor is the best job he’s had thus far, as it gives him the opportunity to work with others and help them get excited about writing like he is.

Abigail McBride

Assistant Head Tutor



Abigail McBride is a sophomore double majoring in English and Psychology. She loves Twin Peaks, Virginia Woolf, and Jack White. 

The Writing Center

Messiah College's

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